Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Assamualaikum wa rahmatullah, I hope everyone is well. I appeared in front of you today with an Electrical Bangla app, this electrical app of ours has been done in complete Bengali, so I hope you will be able to learn electrical work very easily.
Our app will be very useful for those who are working in various industries in the field of electrical, hopefully. Because in this electrical app we will find different types of electrical needles, inverter manual, electrical diagram, various electrical questions of the interview and its answers in this app.
Electrical You can learn about electrical basics through this app. You will be able to learn different electrical work of the house, in this app you will be able to learn the complete work of electrical house wiring starting from lights, fan, switch board.
When we do electrical work in the industry we need to use PLC specially for those of us who are working in machinery related. Learning the work of PLC is very important for an electrician or an electrical engineer because now we have PLC in all our industrial machinery. It is very important to learn the work of PLC. You will get many ideas about PLC in our apps and you will be able to learn the work of electrical PLC.
This app will be very useful for those of you who have completed or will complete Electrical Engineering.With these apps you can get an idea about the work of all types of industrial machines and learn about the work of all types of house wiring. In these apps you can use Electrical Calculator to find answers to many questions from short form to full form of electrical. You will get many questions and answers about electrical interviews. With our apps you will be able to do a lot of electrical work so keep our apps in your collection.
Electrical bangla book one of the best apps for learning electrical work.electrical bangla you will find all electrical formulas including electrical bangla formula. it you will learn the electrical basic bangla tasks. this app will not require electrical pdf book bangla if you have. this you can gain all the electrical basic knowledge in will get answers to all questions of Electrical Interview in Bangla.